2025 diary thread

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[ europeans can't legally celebrate π day | 17:32 ] #66


was mean to mom on the phone
went for another walk

i wasn't like Mean to her i was just monosyllabic which is kinda rude especially couse she was excited to talk to me i'm sorry mom i wish it was easier

[ 12/03/25 | 19:51 ] #65 : jason bright fan edition


went for a walk
listening: playing:
  • Fallout New Vegas

monthly updates? more likely than you'd think!

the days are getting longer so i went for a walk after work

you can kinda tell spring has sprung, i've been getting a bigger drive for enjoying things. this is an odd thing to say but it's the best way i could come up with to phrase it. enjoying and making things

unfortunately i partake in either very little. my work has become somehow even more isolating than before. the contract job i used to work on before at least had me communicate with the people i was doing it for, sometimes even meet with them at their office and get treated to lunch, but this new one is for a chinese firm and i'm more or less cut off from them. communication is done by my supervisor, whenever that even happens, then kinda retold to me later. even between me and my supervisor there's like nothing, it's all very hands off. it's always been like that though, can't act like i'm surprised, and i suppose i can't be mad either cos it somehow worked til now. anyway. at least this new contract is finally work related to my phd research, no more random fullstack dev (just maintenance ig), just an honest to god time series forecasting problem. an obtuse problem but relevant nonetheless, i don't feel like i'm just wasting my time on nothing (as much, at least) anymore. it's a trade off i guess

but hey, speaking of ~isolation, my girlfriend was here for a while. nothing of particular note happened other than eating at some really good places a few times, going on some really nice walks, and adding a few more business cards to my collection of business cards from places we go to and really like. i also had takoyaki for the first time which was so so good. god i love octopus, it's very very different from the usual ways i've had it (grilled and also the way this chain of supermarkets at home serve it from their deli stand, which is kinda like grilled but it's not grilled, i dont think it's boiled either, honestly no clue and trying to look it up isn't fruitful, but it's served with herbs, oil, and lemon and it's oh so good) but still delicious. tasty ass animal

took a small break from adventure games after finishing technobabylon (one of the best point and click titles i've played). a couple weeks ago i ended up watching the fallout show which was so good, i can't believe how much attention to detail they could squeeze in it. i kept avoiding game adaptations couse i was always under the impression that they're lukewarm at best. never could've imagine something like this can stand this proud. between the show, detonating a massive feral ghoul at my weekly friday night magic game (and rly love for the set as a whole), playing fallout 1 on my 3ds, and just a lot of built up general interest in fallout, i finally came back to new vegas. i played a bit a summer or so ago but didn't stick. well not this time. i really clicked with it this time

i love it in novac. i just noticed the cursor shows up because the screenshot binding i use also brings up the pipboy right after. i should prolly change that. anyway, last night i just set jason bright and his followers off to space, godspeed, bright emperor!

[ 10/02/25 | 23:24 ] #64 : format


flavour text

can you believe this website has been in this unfinished draft-like form for, what, four years now? but i finally got the diary pages to look more or less like i've been planning them in my mind and notebook for long now

it's slowly coming together. this is nice

there's a bunch of other misc updates and improvements packaged alongside the new diary. like i said, coming together eventually. i think the diary came out really well

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