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neocities | personals | webhosts | forums | wikis | webcomics | games | others | archives | resources | search engines | tools | magic the gatheringneocities
- aboboracandy
- akevstwicety
- Baldora Station
- BJ's website
- bsodcat
- creepingnet
- Daily Pic
- diarium
- floogi251
- gamera
- girlbenji
- jackomix
- kassy
- kittenm4ster
- lawneet
- mallardness
- moleratcorp
- nightcafe
- nothing man
- nymphali
- ongezell
- scumgames
- syxzszx
- tachyonart
- 000010
- 11fdriver
- 211
- beyond loom
- brutalmoose
- delicioustacos
- fiction-food café
- Groebelsloot
- grumpygamer
- inventory full
- luke smith
- R▲/opacity
- Ranged Touch
- simon's sanitarium
- SwiftVector
- there.oughta.be/
- DokuWiki
- jojo's bizarre encyclopedia
- wizard101 central wiki
- zeldapedia
- bulbapedia
- tf2 wiki
- Infinite Jest Wiki
- combine overwiki
- emulation general
- 3dsbrew wiki
- yugipedia
- touhou wiki
ideally stay away from fandom wikis, however, given no alternative, use [ breezewiki ]. it's not perfect and i prefer heavy ad-blocking instead, but it's a solid option
- Dinosaur Comics
- Cardboard Crack
- Gone with the Blastwave
- Problem Sleuth
- Pro MTG Online
- Tails Gets Trolled
- 5 Years Later
- tf2 comics
- vimm's lair - rom archive
- retro-exo - dos/winx3/scummvm game archive
- the-eye - open directory data archive
- retroaesthetics.net - video game texture archive
- bluemaxima's flashpoint, khavibreak and voyager - flash, java 2 micro and text adventure game archives
- r/roms wiki - roms archives links index
- tiny tools directory - huge collection of tools for gamedev/webdev/etc
- game design resources doc - massive collection of game design resources
- gamedev gaiden - indie gamedev resources
- lospec - pixel art resources/tutorials
- miniboss/pixelart - pixel art guides
- css-tricks flexbox guide - cool guide on arguably the most useful html building block
search engines
- marginalia search - non-commercial search engine
- old style webpage search engine
- searx - floss metasearch engine
- best pixel art sprite+animation editor
- haxe - high level cross compiled programming language
- DokuWiki - databaseless wiki software
- miniflux - self hosted RSS reader
- rss feed validator
- free guestbook service
- dither-me-this - online image dithering tool
- hakuneko - manga downloader
- self hosted media streaming service
- njal.la - anon domain registrar
- tinypng - online img compression
trading card games
- cardmarket - european card market
- DriveThruCards - home design cardgame marketplace + printing service
- LackeyCCG - program for playing
anymost cardgames online- plugin for : magic the gathering
- plugin for : vampire: the eternal struggle
- magic the gathering
- spectral chaos - really interesting unreleased set restoration project
- good gamery - fansite + community/forum
- magic libraries - fansite/archival
- magic set editor - custom card/set maker
- deckstats - deck builder and library
- moxfield - deckstats but better
- scryfall - card database
- EDHrec - commander recommendations
- pokemon
- limitless - card database + competitive resource
- poke TCG live - official poketcg online client
- flesh and blood
- netrunner
- jinteki.net - free online play + deck builder