oven baked chicken with vegetables

this takes quite a while to cook. works with any chicken cut
- chicken
- onions
- tomatoes
- bell peppers
- spicy peppers
- optional: cheese
- optional: hot sauce
you should marinade your chicken in spices a day or two in advance. take the chicken out, prepare a tray for everything and preheat your oven. i go for around 200 degrees
cut your veggies in fairly big chunks. add a little water to the tray (about a finger's thickness deep, just enough to completely cover the bottom of your tray). put your chicken and veggies in the tray and put it in the oven
let it bake for around an hour, maybe more. every 20 minutes or so take it out to flip the chicken. tilt the tray on its sides to get the veggies properly submerged in the juice, better yet, take some from the bottom with a spoon and pour it over the chicken
if you have any, shred cheese and put it over the food about 20 minutes before taking it out the oven
wrap up
really simple but such a filling meal. make sure the chicken is properly cooked by sticking a knife in it and checking its color inside. once again, any cut works but my favorite is thigh
yeah the pic looks kinda ass but trust me it was good