pizza dough



add flour and salt and whatever condiments you want in a bowl. my go to condiments for dough are usually paprika, dried oregano and garlic powder

heat up a medium cup of water until its lukewarm, then mix and dissolve 1tbsp of sugar in the water. add yeast to water, mix just a little bit and let it foam up for about five minutes. then add it to the flour bowl

add some olive oil and start mixing well until everything is combined, then put the dough on a flat surface and knead well (use ur hands). knead until the dough gets stretchy and soft

finally put the dough into a bowl, cover it with a damp cloth and leave to rest in a warm room to rise for a while. when it doubles in size


if the dough isnt stretchy enough as you're kneading it, you can keep adding water or oil little by little