tonight we're having..

Airport Meal Deal

snack reviews? turned to meal reviews? more likely than you'd think

well. no. not that likely. long time readers may remember the misery of dinner reviews. i know i do

it's a special occasion today, more or less. i'm flying home and landing really late. too late to be sane enough to do this once i get home. so we must improvise! i'm spending like 3-4 hours here anyway and seeing as the airport is so empty today and i got a nice seat might as well right

if you're unfamiliar with the british meal deal here's a brief primer: grocery stores will let you give you options from three categories, main (usually triangle sandwiches or a wrap), a side (can be many things, though most commonly a pack of chips sorry crisps or chocolate bar) and a drink (usually a drink). if you get a combo of all three you can get them for cheaper, usually 5 pounds. this is a core part of british culture as i've come to know it

now with all that out of the way, let's see what we've got. lot of festive options around, the spiced parsnip christmas lunch was by far the most interesting. every other main sandwich seems to be just permutations of chicken, cheese, salad, tomatoes, and bacon. i'm not one to say no to a good blt, but eh, not when the parsnip thing is available. the other christmas options seem to revolve around (dry looking) sausage, (dry looking) turkey, or both at once. parsnip it is

sides and drinks are much less varied. for sides it's more or less just chips sorry crisps and chocolate bars. tiny pringles can we go. it was a bit of a debate between sour cream and onion and bbq. drinks had even less options somehow, just those tiny fruit juice bottles and this. i really like kefir and for a while now i've been thinking of getting some mango lassi, so i went with this mango kefir thinking it's gonna scratch two itches at once (it did neither)

honestly the sandwich was really good. vegan options continue to surprise me. when we had regular phd meetings, my supervisor would buy an all veggies pizza (among other options), which was so surprisingly ood, never would've considered it this? this is great

ok now that i think about it i think the pizza was vegetarian not vegan. you get my point regardless

pringles are pringles what can be wrong w them

the kefir was a letdown. it was neither like kefir nor like lassi, more so like just plain yoghurt with some mango pieces thrown in. it was still tasty but immediately forgettable, not that solid of an option

final rating - [░░░▒▒▒▓▓▓████-------] : 13.24/20

a solid lunch overall. very very pleasantly surprised by the parsnip sandwich

not to worry, my scratcher is safely with me in my bag. our gambling session will not be stopped. i wonder how much a scratcher ever traveled. has anyone ever shown their scratcher a bit of the world before scratching it off and immediately buying another (you can only ever lose if you stop playing). does it increase your odds of winning? we will see