tonight we're having..

Fishka (Dried and Smoked)

did people not call the shitty dream bubble vriska fishka or am i just going insane?? nothing comes up when searching

oh well. maybe for the better

these are dried, smoked, and shredded calamari. and salt. that's it, nothing else, straight to the point

it's very intense, right from the smell alone. i can't say i knew what to expect from them but i certainly wouldn't have imagined i'd think to compare them to toilet paper

the texture is very interesting. it feels a bit like you're chewing on (softer) toilet paper. they're tasty, don't get me wrong, but they feel very papery and dense. i think it's neat, we should have more paper-like snacks

these most definitely shine the best alongside other stuff, i don't think most people would enjoy having them straight out of the bag. i had some on bread and they were great, though i'm thinking you can get a little bold with your boeuf salad and put some on top

final rating - [░░░▒▒▒▓▓▓███--------] : 11.7/20

and so, our 2024 freckleskies advent calendar comes to an end

merry christmas, dear reader!