tonight we're having..
Gusturi românești Baton cu lapte și unt

oh my header font doesn't pick up ș. oh well
this translates to "bar with milk and butter". honest to god traditional romanian chocolate almost!
the Gusturi românești (tr. romanian tastes) brand is actually a store brand of Mega Image, a massive supermarket chain. honestly up until this very moment i thought it was a belgian brand but i looked it up for this review and turns out it's actually ours! it's just been acquired by a belgian some years after its inception. the more you know! anyway Gusturi românești usually does really nice and usually cheap "traditional" foodstuffs so i'm pretty excited
the subtitle on the wrapper says "nostalgia", then under is an honestly disappointing blurb about how this bar will reveal a sweet, familiar taste of so many childhood memories

it's not that good and i don't have that many (or honestly any) memories of it from my childhood to begin with so it must not be working that well for me
it's not really chocolate but it's cheap, very cheap. it's like mostly (like 57%) sugar; then powdered milk, butter and cocoa powder. but hey! it's traditional to some degree!
it's nice, to some degree. sweet and buttery, a little chocolatey, you can still kinda feel the sugar between your teeth
i'm sorry what wait this isn't cheap at all what the hell. i spent a little over 6 ron on this (80g) and you can get a proper bar like a snickers or twix (both bigger than this mind you) for the same price or less. there's absolutely nothing that justifies this price tag. i don't usually want to factor in price in reviews but the whole purpose of this bar is that it's supposed to be the cheap alternative, replicating the cheap, basic simple ingredient dessert bar of your childhood

what the fuck
final rating -[░▒▓▓██--------------] : 5.6/20