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PTCG, BRS, #071

i had a great night tonite

i met a recent friend to pass on some bulk cards from one to another and hang out a bit. we met at the mall around the area i grew up in which was nice. they have these big tables in the food court which quickly cluttered with boxes of cards and whatnot. one of his friends joined and we just kinda hung out there like that it was rly nice. when we were done sorting and trading the cards we played a match of each, magic, pokemon and flesh and blood. funnily enough, each one of us won at the primary tcg of the person sitting on our right which was kinda funny (i.e. my primary tcg is magic but my friend won there, whose main tcg is fab but where friend won, whose main tcg is poke where i won). it was very fun and nice i can't wait to move back home permanently and enjoy this community to the fullest

during our poke round i played a deck the new friend lent me, a brew they both made together revolving around this alcremie. while somewhat unimpressive looking this deck was great. we played in three so i don't know how multiplayer factors in it's balance, but i won against a miraidon ex deck and a palkia vstar deck. it play's a bit like a toolbox deck using phantom zoroark. it's incredibly potent, pokemon turns out to be an incredibly fun tcg to explore

ok this isn't even related to christmas [later retcon: wait no it so is what am i saying]. i feel like there's an obvious choice here for the first song to be played in space:

[Three minutes of silence]
― JAY-Z & Kanye West – Illest Motherfucker Alive

though personally i'd maybe have had some other choices