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Draw 3, Captain's Hat, Keg of Rum, Walk the Plank!
Pirate Fluxx

four cards for today, is it because you should see a wider array of cards to see what fluxx has to offer or is it just because i'm lazy to crop the only clean image i can find. you will never know

fluxx is a really cute, quick card game. the rules are extremely simple, you draw a card and you play a card (by doing what it says on the card), then new rules are added as the game progresses. the goal is to, well complete the goal you set (goals, as pictured above, are also cards). it's a simple enough idea but it makes for about an hour of fun every now and then. what i enjoy the most about it is the how varied and extensible this simple framework is. in the wild you'll probably find more examples of "varied" since there's like a thousand different flavours of fluxx printed, ranging from the basics like zombie fluxx, pirate fluxx and space fluxx to the unavoidable licensed flavours like monty python fluxx, firefly flux and... jumanji fluxx?

"extensible" wise there isn't much to see, there's the dice expansion which, well, adds dice to the game, but that's about it. there's a lot of untapped potential here and oh no writing about this now i can already feel myself falling in the same hole i fell when i first learned to play carcassonne

personally i'm still holding out for the reno 911 fluxx

here's a better affirmation, pokemon tcg live is a stable and well developed client :ok:

the cheese was actually really good though