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magic holiday promos (HoHO)

starting strongly on theme with this one, magic's collection of holiday promos

Treasure Token
MtG, HHO #21★

i only learned of them this year but quickly became some of my favourite cards, art, flavour and game mechanics wise

here's a few of my favourites:

Yule Ooze
MtG, HHO #11

Snow Mercy
MtG, HHO #10

Stocking Tiger
MtG, HHO #13

Topdeck the Halls
MtG, HHO #20

Naughty // Nice
MtG, HHO #12

Last-Minute Chopping
MtG, HHO #21

yeah i'm using scryfall's set code/number i think it's cooler than wotc's

i'd love a collection of these-- statement which you can just fill in for me on every subsequent day of the cardsmas calendar lmao

anyway these are completely unnecessary but absolutely lovely and adorable, you can browse the whole set here:

happy holidays set

hmm.. something's missing though

oh that's right

we're SO doing this again

i hope you're briepared because things are about to get cheddar >:)

oh it's so gouda to be back